Surely you are joking, Mr.Feynman

a review of "Surely you are joking, Mr.Feynman !"
authored by Richard Feynman

you are surely joking at us, Mr.Feynman, by writing this book. this book is almost a child's diary of day-to-day events. it was a mistake on my part indeed since i expected an account of his technological insights into atomic science. its a narration of what he did in his childhood - a boastful " i didnot play like a normal kid. i am special. i made ham radios" - what jobs he did as a teenager, how he dated gals, how he visited pubs to find someone to lay down that night, and finally a mention of how he built labs in los alamos. an outright teenage read. i just missed it when i was one.

NOTE: Richard Feynman is a Nobel laureate in Physics in recognition for his brilliant and dedicated work in building America's first atom bomb at Los Alamos facility during WW2 times. he is a brilliant physicist, more remarkable because he is just another guy next door sorts. this book need not be a yardstick to measure the immensely intelligent guy that Feynman was.

i feel he is over admired by his countrymen though. there are always men (and women) who contributed much more to elevate mankind in bettter ways. they were not given their due recognition.


  1. Notable scientists are admired for many reasons. I think you miss the role played by panache and flamboyance in one's personality. Tom Cruise is admired by millions all over the world though he is just an actor. Similar could be Richard Feynman's charisma.


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