Slices of a Performing Artiste
What are the various aspects of a musician? Rather, what are the qualities that are required for a performing artiste to become one and be one? What distinguishes him/her from others and does that serve as a Selling Point to the audience? There are various aspects to a musician as there are to music itself. I put them down here not in the order of importance, but as they occurred to me. Training ( Patantharam ) - There is a significant ignorance amongst the non-trained listeners that anyone with a good voice and capability to develop it could be a successful musician. They will quote Ilayaraja, SPB and Chitra for examples. Little do they know how skilled a listener Ilayaraja is. A good author is a voracious reader. So is a music composer a tremendous listener and a discrete one at that. Wouldn't Ilayaraja take the effort to get trained when he chose it as a career? Once SPB/Chitra got a chance, wouldn't they run to get the fundamentals strong and steady? They may ...