
Showing posts from February, 2009

All Fair Worlds

A friend once said "its an unfair world". Another told the same after an unfortunate incident that happened to her. It tickled some thought flow in that direction. Where is fairness and justice? First why are we talking today about justice or the lack of it in the world More today than before? Have you observed this? Because we have assumed, through the conditioning of our minds from childhood, that there must be justice and fairness in the world, that the good prevails over the bad ultimately. We have our own definitions of each noun and adjectives, agreed?! We expect justice immediately with no respect for time. Lets go back in time and analyze this idea in Hindu mythology. All due respects to the Hindu Gods and belief system as I am also a part of it. (I had to add this last line after a reader's comments). During Thretha yuga, Ramayana's time frame, the killing of Vali by SriRama from behind a rock is a case of injustice, at least looking at the plain incident