All Fair Worlds

A friend once said "its an unfair world". Another told the same after an unfortunate incident that happened to her. It tickled some thought flow in that direction. Where is fairness and justice?

First why are we talking today about justice or the lack of it in the world More today than before? Have you observed this? Because we have assumed, through the conditioning of our minds from childhood, that there must be justice and fairness in the world, that the good prevails over the bad ultimately. We have our own definitions of each noun and adjectives, agreed?! We expect justice immediately with no respect for time. Lets go back in time and analyze this idea in Hindu mythology. All due respects to the Hindu Gods and belief system as I am also a part of it. (I had to add this last line after a reader's comments).

During Thretha yuga, Ramayana's time frame, the killing of Vali by SriRama from behind a rock is a case of injustice, at least looking at the plain incident from the outside without digging into previous birth/etcetera details. For that matter, the entire Ramayana would be unfair from the monkey's point of view ! surprised !! Say, I am a monkey. Sugriva is my king. I am like a common man in Sugriva's kingdom in the south of India. Why should I carry heavy stones and rocks, get hurt and bleed while throwing them into the sea so that some friend of my king can win back his wife and rule a place called Ayodhya , which is far away in north India ! That friend sent his hard won wife back to the forest while she was on the family way ! Isn't this injustice to all the monkeys who died while building the bridge for SriRama. (Here, look at Rama as not an avatar, just as a contemporary human being with divine qualities - as per Rajaji's Ramayana).

Now come to Dwapara yuga when the godhead SriKrishna walked the length and breath of Mahabarata. SriKrishna is the friend, philosopher, guide and brother-like to Draupadi. Her mistake was to have laughed mockingly at a king when he slipped over water. Few friends of Draupadi were the only witness who would have at the most giggled. No harm to Duryodana. He could have simply laughed at it himself with others and proceeded sportively. The punishment Draupadi got was the most dignity-shattering shame for any woman in front of the most elite group of men !! Shouldn't Dhushasana's hand fallen off his body when his mind even thought of touching Draupadi? But SriKrishna didn't come to the rescue until the poor queen of queens gave up trying to protect herself and had to beg with both hands raised above her head.

It has never been fair in any world so far even when Purushottama himself walked what he talked. (again, no demeaning Him. The argument here is purely on whether there has been 100% justice all the time without waiting for it.) why do we ask for fairness and justice today in this Kali yuga. It has to be sought and fought with patience. I am not asking us to accept injustice and not fight against the bad, not asking to think negatively about life and dharma. Lets just recondition our minds and go forward without tiring off on set backs. All fair worlds exist only in our minds.


  1. Anonymous9:02 PM

    In your own words "And believe that the world is for believers". Soon, you will be believe Raama and Krishna and you will be their advocates. - Devarajan MK.


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