
Showing posts from March, 2005


I was filling a form in one of the counters in my university. The lady across the counter was surprised to see my handwriting. A student from non-English speaking country writes so neatly, legibly and smoothly with moving fingers!! I told her " One advantage of being from a not-fully developed country is that we retain a good handwriting. We are not fully computerized." She gave me a beautiful smile in turn, which I doubt anyone in indian government offices can match. Trained to hold a pencil at three, I spent one hour daily writing on 4-lines "Handwriting Notebooks" starting from age six. I had no idea of ball pens till I completed high school. Ink pens were supposed to take your handwriting to great heights. With a beautiful handwriting, you are bound to get high scores on exams even if you write utter rubbish. To test the verity of this much-believed phenonmenon, once I wrote the same paragraph twice in my English Essay. Dont ask me what happened. Then came the

Name it

Recently found this following web site's ad in Then came an idea, a funny one though. Namix, providing smart naming solutions for products, services, and businesses: just felt that if i should start one such service for naming hindi and tamil movies, may be i cud land few bucks. ;-)))

Musings as they sprout

- I am myself Carbon. I need no more of it. ( i've been strictly avoiding any kind of soft drinks that is a sweetened carbonated litre of it made from four litres of precious pure water) -Engineering is all about managing time and Management is all about engineering time - God is a concept. He thrives in our minds. (some say heart, agreed!) - God is a term invented by man to explain those phenonmena beyond scientific reasoning. -An educated fool is that which justifies its stupidity -When someone calls you a Star, rethink.....a star,after all, is made of dust! -Revolution is the aim; Resolution is the path -As time passed by, Dogmas were conveniently renamed Human tendency -What matters is not how smart we are but how we are smart -Its easier to quote an example than to serve as one - There are some things which nice only to be given to others for free and not to be received: Advise is one of those - We are where we don't know where we are(on the stand of U.S afte

Writing Free of Gender

works by women authors are read only in the context of being written by feminist writers or womanish-writer (with a pun "what else can women write about except feminist rights and lamentations of male-dominated world ?!"). in the same pretext, when a man writes, especially on issues relating marriage, he is immediately crowned a master philosoper. "Ah. Another Socrates is made". he becomes a 'realized man' there after. people always look at what they want to look at and turn away from reality. when will a writer and the writings be seen free of gender?

Huesca for a cup of coffee?

How many of us have the guts to follow our heart?And to fulfill someone's dream; someone whom you have not met! Sahshi Tharoor has it. Recently I read an article from his website. He had written about his visit to a not-much-known place in Spain, called Huesca. What is astonishing is not the arduous journey but his reason for it. Reason - Pay homage to writer George Orwell. Orwell dreamt of having a cup of coffee in Huesca after the Spanish Civil War. But he did not live long enough. Many years later, a literary fan of his, visited the place and had That sip of coffee there at Huesca. Accompanied by an equally crazy, I mean, a supportive wife, Tharoor did what he felt important. Life is only once and much too short to live all our dreams. Atleast lets start now. And live it one by one.

Dreams to go

everybody has a wish list. or atleast assumed to be having one. and here is mine. - to chase a cop and give him ticket !!! - to drag the status line at the bottom of an internet browser and get 60kbps on a 36k modem !! - to find a parking spot closer to the Times Square on a New Year's Eve !! - identify my car in the IKEA parking lot without searching !!! ....more as i dream ...............Zhhhh