
I was filling a form in one of the counters in my university. The lady across the counter was surprised to see my handwriting. A student from non-English speaking country writes so neatly, legibly and smoothly with moving fingers!!

I told her " One advantage of being from a not-fully developed country is that we retain a good handwriting. We are not fully computerized." She gave me a beautiful smile in turn, which I doubt anyone in indian government offices can match.

Trained to hold a pencil at three, I spent one hour daily writing on 4-lines "Handwriting Notebooks" starting from age six. I had no idea of ball pens till I completed high school. Ink pens were supposed to take your handwriting to great heights. With a beautiful handwriting, you are bound to get high scores on exams even if you write utter rubbish. To test the verity of this much-believed phenonmenon, once I wrote the same paragraph twice in my English Essay. Dont ask me what happened.

Then came the Reynolds from France. The pen the World prefers.(Though US prefers BIC and Papermate). My handwriting started going haywire. My mother was angry after trying to read a letter that I wrote her from college. She said she could not differentiate between my 'r' and 'n' (and also 'u' at someplaces). I stopped writing after I was allotted an email account.

After coming to US, its become worse. I feel that those fine-tipped(0.5mm) pens are much better than these medium, slipping-from-hand, eco-friendly pens. Hail Reynolds 045 Fine Carbure.

To do justice to what I write, I first wrote this on a piece of paper, had a nice self-admiring look at my own handwriting, and then typed onto the do-all PC.


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