Musings as they sprout

- I am myself Carbon. I need no more of it.

( i've been strictly avoiding any kind of soft drinks that is a sweetened carbonated litre of it made from four litres of precious pure water)

-Engineering is all about managing time and Management is all about engineering time

- God is a concept. He thrives in our minds. (some say heart, agreed!)

- God is a term invented by man to explain those phenonmena beyond scientific reasoning.

-An educated fool is that which justifies its stupidity

-When someone calls you a Star, rethink.....a star,after all, is made of dust!

-Revolution is the aim; Resolution is the path

-As time passed by, Dogmas were conveniently renamed Human tendency

-What matters is not how smart we are but how we are smart

-Its easier to quote an example than to serve as one

- There are some things which nice only to be given to others for free and not to be received: Advise is one of those

- We are where we don't know where we are(on the stand of U.S after iraq war)


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