What a timing!

few days back, i had watched the movie "Day after tomorrow". The movie is about a consequence of global warming- the advent of ice age. Some parts of the northern hemisphere, whose warmth is maintained by the warm ocean currents of the atlantic, are frozen because of the melting of a large antartic glacier.......ice age due to global warming!!!!!sounds like an oxymoron!!! well, the concept is picking up.

i am half way through Michael Crinchton's 'State of Fear', his latest best-seller on shelves. the front and back flap of the novel gives no outline of the story. nor is there any preface or foreword. let me break the rules. the plot is about global warming, environmentalists, climate/weather change, and so on.

when the news of the tsunami came early sunday morning, more than shock, i was thrilled.is the tsunami real????ofcourse, i got my answer when i read that this man-eater wave of indian ocean is equivalent to a million atomic bomb explosions. this is definitely not a PC simulated or terrorist manipulated event!!! i stopped thinking all non-sensical things about the calamity in asia.

still, the movie, the novel, the real tsunami.....Timing couldnot have been better.


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