Art Maketh A Man

"Art makes a man a better human being"

once when chatting with my friends after a vijayadasami day, the discussion somehow led to the latest trends in kutcheris and finally about performers. one of the seniors commented that " Art maketh a man a better human being". all of us unanimously agreed with some disagreements.

there was an M.S.Subbulakshmi, who donated liberally for charities. we can quote many others too in similar lines.(but, to be honest, does any other name really strike you immediately ?). there is also a Michael Jackson, whose court trial never seems to end. it is a different story to wonder if his music background is saving him from severe penalty or if the juries are trying to save the art from him.
<>the real goal of art is art itself. only when art is pursued with pure dedication for the art, does it make the person a better person.

today's scenario seems to be far from this. though hard to digest, it is a fact that art is seen as a means to fame. the new motto seems to be "pursue art for performance". world tours are definitely an attractive package. humility is the last word followed especially when it comes to minor follies in the back stage work and unavailability of resources.

the discussion concluded with some interesting points from a senior. talent alone is not enough for a successful performing artiste. hard work and humility are the two most important ingredients to stay there( that applies to any chosen field ). so, to refine the statement, art is 'supposed' to make a man a better human being.


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