London Call

the sight of the dead and the plight of the injured in london blasts was pathetic. it gives a sick feeling even to read the news from websites and watch the aftermath in TV. its hard to imagine how the people there faced it. but there is lot to think on how to avoid such incidents in the first place.

for petty business interests, the fanatics of a particular religion have been infuriated. and they want a revenge on the whole world. looks like a possible war against the i watching star trek??!!

though there was technology and man power to dig Saddam out of his hole, huge batallion of soldiers have been landed in iraq and millions of innocents killed in the process. the retalliation in terms of london blasts only goes to prove that there is an inevitable need to refine the defense methods and devise clever strategy for fighting terrorism. the innocents,again, bear the brunt of war, no matter which side they belong to. the argument just seems to prolong with injustice on either side.

there is this time when all kinds of discrimination against any race has to stop. its enough dividing Mother Earth into East, West and what not. the day has come for us all to evolve into truly global citizens with broad-minded views. let us not mix politics, business and administration. let the govt do its duty and not business. let the businessmen not manipulate who the next prime minister or president of our country is. let the people rule their countries. may god bless all nice people of the world.


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